Home Improvement April 13, 2022

How to Decorate for Outdoor Entertaining

Even though you don’t have a sprawling backyard, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy entertaining outdoors. Make the most of your petite patio and turn it into a pocket-sized paradise. Here are our tips for how to decorate small spaces for outdoor entertaining.

● Arrange furniture the right way: The best way to maximize space is to arrange your furniture around the perimeter of the deck or patio. Think twice before placing a table in the center, and instead give your guests plenty of room to stand or move around.

● Add extra seating with large pillows: Get a few extra spots for guests to sit without taking up too much space by throwing in some large floor pillows. They add an extra element of coziness, plus they’re easy to add or subtract.

● Use color wisely: Color can make all the difference when decorating, especially in such a small space. Keep things fresh and airy by sticking to a monochromatic palette in whites or grays. Or add a bit of fun by using colorful accents in eye-catching patterns.

● Be strategic when choosing furniture: Save space by investing in two-for-one pieces of furniture, such as nesting tables, storage ottomans and benches (which can also be used for seating), and folding tables and chairs.

● Bring on the plants: There may be plenty of foliage outside already, but use it strategically in your entertaining area. Plants are a simple way to liven things up and make your modest space feel like an exotic retreat.

● Hang up lights: Strings of bistro lights can instantly open up a small space. Plus, that warm glow will give things a cozier vibe.

Get ready for a summer full of outdoor entertaining!Decorate for Outdoor Entertaining

Buyer Advice February 26, 2022

8 Things That Suddenly Change When You Become a Homeowner

8 Things That Change When Becoming a Homeowner

Home ownership is a big part of the American Dream. It’s also a rite of passage, and millions of people go into their careers and family lives picturing the day when they can finally own a place of their own. When that day comes, it can be quite an experience. Signing the paperwork and getting the keys to your new place is one of the most exciting feelings in the world.

But it’s what comes after that can feel a bit strange. When you become a homeowner, you not only get to see your name on a deed, you also get to experience some of the things that only other owners get to experience.

Here are eight things that suddenly change when you become a homeowner:

1. You start having conversations about being a homeowner with other homeowners

“Yeah, we redid the kitchen first, but the bathrooms weren’t too bad. I’d like to add a deck but the nursery needs some attention next.”

2. All of a sudden you have to buy all the things every homeowner is required to have

You spend so much time at Home Depot buying tools and lawn equipment, people begin to think you work there…

3. You quickly learn how handy you are (or are not)

How’s the saying go? Is it “measure once, cut twice”, or “measure twice, cut once”?

4. You start to notice every little flaw around the house

I swear they said it was “smudge proof”…

5. You want to buy nice furniture, instead of cheaper, disposable stuff

Bye bye Ikea.

6. You begin to take special note of what’s happening in your neighborhood

Is that a “for sale” sign being put on the Jones’ lawn?!

7. You identify a favorite room

A place you could spend all day in if you could…

8. You’re proud to tell people that you just bought your own place

“Yes, I actually just bought a place. It’s near the park. No, on the far side, next to the baseball field. I really love the neighborhood so far.”

No matter how many of these things sound familiar, there’s no denying that becoming a homeowner changes things—and usually for the better!

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